Here is ODE's explanation of what the State School Report Card means and what it's used for:
Community schools that serve a majority of their students through dropout prevention and recovery programs receive the dropout prevention and recovery report card. Rather than A-F grades, these schools receive one of the following ratings for report card measures – Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, or Does Not Meet Standards.
HIGH SCHOOL TEST PASSAGE RATEThis rating reports the percentage of students who passed or met the cumulative performance score on all applicable tests required for high school graduation.
PROGRESSThis rating is the school’s average progress for its students in math and reading, using the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) in grades 9-12. Progress looks closely at the growth that all students are making.
GAP CLOSINGThis rating shows how well schools are meeting the performance expectations for students in English language arts, math, graduation and English Language Proficiency Improvement.
GRADUATION RATEThis rating reports the number of students graduating from the school in four, five, six, seven or eight years.
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this link to view our school’s report card.